Our Instructors


Yvonne Suzuki Licopoli

Founder, Teacher E-RYT 500, YACEP

Yvonne began studying yoga and became a vegetarian in 2002 as a means of achieving optimal health and wellbeing. After having studied with world renowned teachers, Yvonne met her guru, Sri Dharma Mittra in 2007, who remains her most influential teacher. 

She completed her first yoga teacher training at YogaWorks in 2007, followed by Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with David Swenson. She completed the 500 hour (2010) and 800 hour (2013) Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Dharma Mittra. She continues to study regularly with Sanskrit scholar Manorama who gave her the spiritual name Yaja Devi (priestess, worshipper).

Yvonne is certified in Thai Yoga through Lotus Palm Institute in Montreal. She studied Gong Yoga of Holistic Resonance with Grand Gong Master, Don Conreaux, and sound healing with Ayi Wong and Micheal Mayzel of Shanti Sounds, Costa Rica. 

She completed the Plant Based Nutrition Certificate Program of T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University in 2017.

Yvonne’s classes are a challenging breath aligned flow of classical asana (postures), sequenced in a manner to gently open the body, intensify healing prana (life force, energy), release blockages (emotional and physical), leading to increased strength and flexibility. In Classical Vinyasa, postures are held for five to ten breaths (or more). Modifications for most postures are offered, as well as invitations to move into more advanced variations.

Yoga is a way of life. It is Yvonne’s belief that to achieve yoga, as with achieving success in anything, practice and self study must be an immutable priority.


Michelle Faber

Teacher E-RYT 500, YACEP

Michelle has been practicing yoga since 2003. In 2005, Michelle completed a 40 hour Ashtanga Yoga training with Jabari Hakeem. In 2013, Michelle completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Michael Aronoff at Awaken Yoga and Meditation Center. In 2016, Michelle completed a 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training also at Awaken Yoga. She has enhanced her learning through workshops and classes with Beryl Bender Birch, David Swenson, Bryan Kest & others. In order to increase and broaden her teaching skills, she has also been trained in prenatal yoga, chair yoga, restorative yoga, props & modifications, and working with people going through trauma.

Michelle has been influenced most by the people in her life; her fellow yoga teachers, her students, friends, and family, who inspire her to keep learning and be the best person she can be. When students come to Michelle’s classes they can expect to be safe, well taken care of, and listened to.

Michelle strives to help each student enhance their personal practice, making sure the breath is continuous, and the postures are supported by the breath. Expect everything from basic postures to advanced (with modifications if necessary), appropriate for the abilities of those present in the class. 

Follow Michelle on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 


Adam Dobbs

Teacher E-RYT 500

Adam began a seated meditation practice at about 16 years old, at a time when the practice was almost non-existent on Long Island. By age 19, he added the physical practices of yoga which relieved his depression and cured his insomnia. In 1997, Adam live at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for about 6 months where he studied asana, pranayama and meditation daily along with philosophy, chanting, and performing seva (selfless service). 

Having completed over 1,000 hours of yoga teacher trainings, Adam is a well-trained and experienced yoga teacher. Though his training includes Kripalu and ISHTA, Adam is partial to the Ashtanga Vinyasa method, and has been trained to teach both the Primary & Intermediate Series.

Adam is also a Licensed Massage Therapist. He is trained and experienced in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Amma Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage, Ayurvedic Massage, and Chinese Massage. He is the creator of Asian Fusion Bodywork® — a natural evolution of his experiences studying massage/bodywork in Thailand, India, and China 

Janet Seals

Teacher RYT 500 

Janet has been a yoga practitioner since 2003. She is grateful for the strength, compassion, understanding, and empowerment that her yoga practice has brought to her life. It is her belief that we all have infinite potential within us, and that yoga gives us tools to reach our highest potential; to love, to uncover our authentic self, and to live our lives more fully.

Her training includes a 40 hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with Jabari Hakeem in 2005, 200 hour RYT certificate in 2013, 60 hour Ashtanga Yoga Intensive with Stacy Plaske and Karen Dubi at Balance Yoga and Healing Center, and 300 hour RYT program with Michael Aronoff and Stacy Place at Awaken Yoga and Meditation in 2018. To further expand her skills, she has attended various classes, workshops, and conferences with renowned teachers such as John Campbell, Sarath Jois, Tim Feldman, Kino MacGregor, Richard Freeman, Mary Taylor, Manu Jois, David Swenson, and Sri Dharma Mittra.

Janet’s passion is Ashtanga Yoga because of the meditative qualities infused in this system; the tristana (threefold path) of breath, movement, and dristi (gaze point).

It is her sincere desire that every student experience the journey of yoga and it’s transformative power, thus allowing more peace and ease into everyday life.

Jolie Bosnjak

Teacher RYT 500

Jolie has been practicing yoga since 2006. Initially drawn to the physical aspects of yoga as a means to maintain strength and flexibility, she quickly came to learn that what happens on the mat is a small part of this rich tradition. Her desire to deepen her understanding of the practice lead her to complete 800 hours of training, beginning with a 200 hour yoga teacher training at Yoga Love Project in Huntington in 2018; followed by a 300 hour training, also with Yoga Love Project in 2019. She completed an additional 300 hour training at The Funky Om in Huntington, in 2019. Her personal practice includes continuing to study the science of yoga, for inner growth and to enhance her ability to serve her students.

Most at home with the vinyasa flow method, Jolie is adept at modifying postures to suit students of all levels, from seniors in her chair yoga classes to advanced practitioners. In Jolie’s class, you can expect creative flows, guided with compassion and understanding, adapting to the needs and abilities of her students. Go beyond your self-imposed limitations with a regular, focused practice, and begin to see increased flexibility, improved balance and strength. You will leave her class feeling calm, steady, and strong.

Jenn Converse

Teacher RYT 200

Jenn was introduced to yoga and meditation in her early teens to help heal a spinal injury and struggles with anorexia. More than just physical relief, yoga brought her mental and spiritual awakenings. Practicing yoga, meditation, and pranayama opened a door for Jenn which brought an overwhelming sense of well-being and eventually, a calling to guide others through their journey.

A yoga teacher (RYT 200) since 2020, Jenn is nearing completion of her RYT 500 Hr. Kripalu certification in Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Meditation, and Advanced Pranayama. Jenn is also a certified Reiki Master, works with Vibrational Energy Tuning, and offers Sound Journey events with her partner, Sam.

Jenn’s mission as a yoga teacher is to guide her students through a sacred journey; allowing a returning home to themselves while navigating their inner landscape in a safe and supportive environment. Her offerings are focused on the deepening relationship between breath and body awareness, and igniting prana (Universal life force energy activated by breath) to guide movement. It is her greatest passion in life to provide this potent medicine to our community.

Preety Wadhwa

Meditation Teacher, RYT 200

Born and raised in a traditional Indian family, Preety’s spiritual journey began early in her life.

In 2017, Preety traveled to Kerala, India to receive her Yoga Teacher Certification from Sivananda Yoga & Vedanta Center. She remained in India and taught at their New-Delhi location for four years and continued to study Vedanta at the center.

Honoring her calling to teach meditation, Preety received her certification as a meditation teacher with the Chopra Center in 2021. Since then, she has focused on helping people manage stress using the powerful practices of yogic breathing (pranayama) and meditation.

It is Preety’s dharma (life’s purpose) and passion to share these teachings with all those desiring to live in harmony with their own core-essence, paving the path for a more peaceful, joyous, and purposeful life.

Join Preety for monthly workshops or private sessions.

Brooke Sufrin

Teacher RYT 200

Brooke began practicing yoga in 2019 as a tool to improve mental and physical wellness during college. Two years later, she felt compelled to dive deeper into the practice which led her to her first teacher training. In December of 2021, Brooke achieved her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certificate at Sonic Yoga in Manhattan, where she learned the practice of Vinyasa Yoga.

Brooke is currently pursuing her 300 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training at Yajamahe Yoga, under the mentorship of Yvonne Suzuki Licopoli. 

Brooke is also certified in Trauma Yoga through Sacred Space Astoria where she learned how trauma takes hold in the body and the methods in which yoga can heal.

She believes that the state of yoga means to clear the mind, tap into the breath, and maybe find a bit of bliss.

In Brooke’s classes you will find breath guiding the poses, with strategic sequencing that includes peak poses. She offers modifications and encouragement for greater exploration.

Dani Karle

Teacher RYT 200

Starting out as a personal trainer and fitness instructor, Dani loved helping people through fitness, but came to understand and appreciate that yoga had more holistic benefits. After an accident left her with a back injury, yoga was her path to healing.

Dani leads a gentle yoga class at a slower pace with a focus on increasing flexibility, releasing tension and improving strength. Yoga props are often used for safe practice, which allows the body to fully achieve each pose comfortably.

The goal is to move away from the busy, fast pace of our lives into a practice that is gentler, mindful and conscious, while receiving the abundant benefits of yoga.

Lana Zimmet

Teacher RYT 500

Lana first walked into a yoga class in New York City in 1999, and immediately noticed how transformative this practice can be. Since completing her first teacher training in 2009, Lana has been committed to her yoga practice on a deeper level and has been sharing the benefits of yoga with her students ever since.

Lana strives to offer a balanced class, with a mindfully sequenced warm up, followed by a restorative cool down. As a Massage Therapist and Reiki practitioner, Lana is knowledgeable of the body from the surface to the subtle levels. Her teaching is also informed by her studies in Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Meditative Dance which explores the connection between the mind and body.

Lana resides in Kings Park with her husband and two kids, and is grateful to share the gifts of yoga with our community.

Heather Bromberg

Teacher RYT 500

Heather began studying yoga in 2018 while living in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range of California. Interested in marathons, rock climbing big walls, and 100-mile backpacking trips, she needed something to balance all her intense activities. She came across a gentle yoga class incorporating yin and restorative poses and found yoga to be the missing link in her life and the necessary tool to calm her sympathetic nervous system.

In 2019, she completed her 200 hour Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga Teacher training with Balanced Rock in California, focused on the use of mantra, mudra, the 5 elements of yoga (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), Samkhya philosophy, Ayurveda, and anatomy.

Heather regularly attends yoga festivals and workshops which allows her to study with a variety of yoga professionals to expand her skills.

Developing interest in Yoga as a therapy tool, in 2023 she completed a 500 hour teacher training at Heartwood Institute, a school accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), in hopes of continuing the journey towards becoming a Certified Yoga Therapist. Here she learned restorative, yin, chair, aerial, chakra yoga and trauma informed yoga. She is slated to attend a Master of Social Work program at Stony Brook University in Fall 2024, to become a licensed therapist and offer yoga as therapy.

Heather is excited to teach Gentle Yoga at Yajamahe Yoga. Her class has slow, mindful movements, with anatomical guidance. She weaves restorative and yin postures into the asana practice as is appropriate and likes to feel the energy of the room to customize a unique class offering each time.